WRAP Books, 
Materials, and 
Training for Wellness

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WRAP Yourself in Wellness

Wellness Recovery Action Plan® (WRAP) is an evidence-based, self-directed wellness process for anyone who wants to get well, stay well, and create the life they want—despite life’s challenges.

WRAP is a prevention and wellness process that participants use to recover from a crisis or life challenge, or simply find greater balance and stay well. WRAP is a journey that encourages individuals—including those looking to overcome mental health issues—to build a toolbox of tailored coping strategies to manage behavioral or emotional challenges.

For more than 25 years, this evidence-based program, which includes recovery-focused books, tools, and materials, has been used globally to support mental and behavioral health. By incorporating key recovery concepts and wellness tools into their daily lives, WRAP participants can break old habits and nurture recovery and wellness.

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Recovery Books and Materials

WRAP includes recovery-focused books and materials that help address participants’ key issues and challenges, including mental health, addictions, trauma, neurodiversity, physical health conditions, major life transitions, reentry for justice-involved individuals, and veteran/military service transitions. These tools help participants identify and understand their personal wellness resources and develop an individualized Daily Plan.

Display of book covers included in WRAP Red Bundle including Crisis Plan, the Wrap Workbook, and others.
Four Products

Red Bundle

Includes popular WRAP materials

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Cover of the Facilitator Training Manual which shows a person on the beach with a kite, the title of the book is in the kite.

Facilitator Training Manual

Mental Health Recovery including Wellness Recovery Action Plan Curriculum

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Cover of WRAP Workbook which features colorful silhouettes of people against a blue background

WRAP Workbook

Designed to be used alongside core WRAP books

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Seminars and Training

WRAP offers seminars and training to help participants learn WRAP or train WRAP Facilitators and Advanced Level Facilitators so they can teach WRAP. Your organization can invest in either individual training or “training the trainers” to develop Facilitators who can share WRAP throughout your organization.


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Featured Video

Watch this inspirational video featuring Mary Ellen Copeland, one of WRAP’s originators, and learn about the origins of WRAP and what’s in store for the future.

Text on blue background that reads:

WRAP’s 25th Anniversary

Watch some of WRAP’s highlights over the last 25 years of creating transformative change in the community.

WRAP logo with 25th anniversary seal

A Convenient Approach to Therapy

Hear from Cathedra from Florida on why WRAP is so vital in her life and one of her top wellness tools.

Text in image reads

Why I Love WRAP

Here how WRAP changed Kurt’s life during incarceration and how he has become a WRAP Facilitator to share his success with his peers and uplift his community.


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