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AHP and Partners Host National Cannabis Summit

Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) in collaboration with the National Council for Behavioral Health and the Addiction Technology Transfer Center (ATTC) Network are convening a national forum to address the science, policy, and best practices on public health and governance in an age of marijuana legalization and decriminalization. The National Cannabis Summit: Science, Policy and Best Practices will be held August 28-30, 2017, at the Grand Hyatt Denver, in Denver, Colorado.

Few legislative issues in the United States are as dynamic and controversial as marijuana. As of November 2016, 29 states and the District of Columbia have voted to permit medical and/or recreational marijuana, and now 63 percent of Americans are living in areas of the country with some form of legalized access. With this expanding cultural acceptance of legal access comes greater responsibility for state and local governments to govern, regulate, and manage an exploding market in the context of federal law classifying marijuana as a Schedule I, illegal drug with no medical value.1

We need to act now to address marijuana as a public health issue. State and local governments need a forum to discuss real world solutions for systems change in the growing arena of legalization and increased access. If we do not begin collecting and developing tools in response to the shifting marijuana environment, we forfeit our ability to shape policy and practice based on science and lessons learned from our experience in alcohol and tobacco control as well as the emerging experience and literature on marijuana regulation.

The National Cannabis Summit is an objective national forum for the shifting landscape of public policy, public health, treatment and research related to marijuana legalization and decriminalization. It is an ideal opportunity to gather and share knowledge for public policymakers, elected officials, legislators, health care providers, addiction treatment and recovery specialists, prevention professionals, youth-serving organizations, and other stakeholders. Find out more and register for the summit now.

About Us

Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) creates powerful solutions to improve health and human services systems. By partnering with the federal government, states, municipalities, healthcare systems, and nonprofits, we help people experiencing the greatest disadvantages lead full and productive lives. We are national leaders in training and technical assistance, research and evaluation, publishing, and dedicated consulting. On issues from workforce development to mental health, substance use disorders to housing and homelessness, we help our clients enhance behavioral health care through systems change. AHP was founded nearly 40 years ago to develop solutions for some of the biggest social infrastructure challenges across the nation. Our company has offices in metro Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Find out more at www.ahpnet.com.

For press inquiries, please contact newsroom@ahpnet.com.