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AHP Thought Leader Linda Frazier Is Featured Presenter on Cannabis Public Health Issues

Linda Frazier, M.A, RN, MCHES, AHP’s Director of Addictions Initiatives, was a featured speaker at the April 13 Massachusetts Society of Addiction Medicine Substance Use Disorder Pearls for Practice series, discussing the American Public Health Association’s policy that lays out a public health framework for cannabis legalization issues. She will speak about the same topic at the June 2 New York State Public Health Association lunchtime webinar series. Ms. Frazier will also serve as opening and closing keynote speaker at the Prevention First 2021 Illinois Cannabis Symposium, and on the Symposium’s Public Safety and Community panel presentations on June 22 and 24.

Frazier has extensive leadership and consulting experience in behavioral health and addictions. She has worked in public health and behavioral health services for more than 30 years in a variety of clinical settings. She chaired the 2019 North American Cannabis Summit and 2017 National Cannabis Summit steering committees, managing conference planning efforts focused on public health, policy, and best practices in state legislation and the regulatory oversight of cannabis.

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Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) creates powerful solutions to improve health and human services systems. By partnering with the federal government, states, municipalities, healthcare systems, and nonprofits, we help people experiencing the greatest disadvantages lead full and productive lives. We are national leaders in training and technical assistance, research and evaluation, publishing, and dedicated consulting. On issues from workforce development to mental health, substance use disorders to housing and homelessness, we help our clients enhance behavioral health care through systems change. AHP was founded nearly 40 years ago to develop solutions for some of the biggest social infrastructure challenges across the nation. Our company has offices in metro Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Find out more at www.ahpnet.com.

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