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The Future of Behavioral Health Science Innovation is Now

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Our Department of Innovation leads innovation to create a more connective and equitable behavioral health landscape. By applying predictive analytics, we can help create the impact you envision.

Innovation is at the Intersection of Science and Hope

How do we know which behavioral health outcomes will improve and which will worsen?

Our behavioral and data scientists use their research to answer key questions like this so you can make real change in behavioral health systems—change that expands access to care and protects public health and safety. By constructing an internal data collection environment with meaningful prerequisites and parameters, we can give you fast access to the most relevant, actionable data you will ever need.

We can help you make more informed decisions about your system of care by using validated population survey data1 along with

  • Qualitative and quantitative studies;
  • Machine learning models;
  • Behavioral health, safety, and market predictive analytics;
  • Supply and demand assessment and analytics;
  • Behavioral health system preparedness;
  • Digital technology product validation;
  • Gap analysis to determine the degree of shortages in workforce, treatment services, and more;
  • Impact analysis to predict the outcomes of specific initiatives;
  • Resource allocation analysis for budget, services, workforce, and more; and
  • Data-based recommendations for solutions.

If you need pivotal insights quickly, you’re in the right place. Waiting until you have retrospective data only ensures lag time and will hamper the effectiveness of your strategies.

Our highly customized, scientific approach helps you predict with maximum statistical accuracy what your stakeholders are aware of, believe, and will do.

For example, we can tell you how and why patients and consumers will progress along clinical and service pathways; we can predict the ways that members of the community will react to the tactics your organization wants to introduce.

Our proprietary data collection approach is customized for your organization, situation, and challenges. Our team of behavioral scientists designs a rapid workflow for gathering and providing rigorous scientific insights for almost any outcome, subpopulation, or location.

This data can tell you days and weeks ahead of time what factors will impact what outcomes, and by how much, so you can shift to being proactive instead of reactive.

National Housing and Behavioral Health Pulse Check

Receive our free survey report about housing instability, problematic substance use, and other factors that contribute to housing challenges.

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Cover of National Housing Pulse Check with a woman with her hair in braids. She is monochrome against an orange circle and blue background.

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1    Brown, J. M., Sofis, M., Zimmer, S., & Kaplan B. A. (2024). Delay discounting is associated with addiction and mental health measures while controlling for health behaviors and health barriers in a large US sample. Addictive Behaviors Reports, 19, Article 100545. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.abrep.2024.100545

Delay discounting is associated with addiction and mental health measures while controlling for health behaviors and health barriers in a large US sample