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Deborah (Deb) Werner, M.A., PMP

Headshot of Deb Werner. She is in front of a grey background and wears a black blazer.


Senior Program Director, CTTAC

Deborah (Deb) Werner is a senior advisor and was the founding director for Advocates for Human Potential’s (AHP’s) California Behavioral Health Bridge Housing Program, California Youth Opioid Response, and the California Mobile Crisis and Justice Interventions Projects. She also serves as a senior advisor and consultant for the California 988 Network, and numerous other state and national initiatives. For thirty years, Deb has worked with state and national leaders, and community-based agencies to create effective behavioral health, housing and service systems for individuals and families experiencing trauma, homelessness, substance use and mental health conditions. She served as the Director for the SAMHSA Women, Children and Families Impacted by Substance Use Disorders project for ten years and as the Technical Assistance lead for SAMHSA’s Homeless and Housing Resource Network for four years.

Currently, Deb consults, speaks, trains, and supports efforts to establish culturally responsive, trauma-informed services. Previous positions have included Associate Director for Beyond Shelter, Inc. and the Executive Director of the California Women’s Commission on Alcohol and Drug Dependencies, Inc.