Molly Anderson, Ph.D.

The image shows a headshot of Molly Anderson with shoulder-length straight light-brown hair and smiling. They are dressed in a gray blazer and black top.


Senior Scientist, R&E

Molly A. B. Anderson, Ph.D., is a senior scientist at Advocates for Human Potential’s (AHP’s) Center for Research and Evaluation. Dr. Anderson has extensive experience in the fields of behavioral health and behavior analysis. She has collaborated on and led research focused on decision-making and interventions to address craving and improve health behavior. At the Center for Technology and Behavioral Health with the Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth College, Dr. Anderson completed a National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) postdoctoral fellowship that focused on substance use and co-occurring disorders, as well as digital interventions to improve health behavior. She was principal investigator (PI) on a pilot grant focused on a digital intervention to improve coping with cannabis cravings and has received numerous grants and honors for her work. At AHP, Dr. Anderson is conducting evaluations of grant-funded programs focused on substance use disorders. Dr. Anderson holds a Ph.D. in psychology with a concentration in behavior analysis from the University of Florida.