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Wellness Recovery Action Plan® (WRAP) Hits 25 Years of Global Use

Wellness Recovery Action Plan® (WRAP), a self-directed wellness process used by people around the world, is celebrating its 25th anniversary with new products, stories of lived experience and upcoming videos — all available through its website at https://www.wellnessrecoveryactionplan.com.

WRAP is an evidence-based practice developed to help create and maintain wellness despite existing mental health issues, substance use disorders, physical challenges, disabilities and other life challenges. The WRAP philosophy is that recovery is possible for everyone.

WRAP, a Peer Support Initiative, was developed in 1997 by a group of individuals who had experienced serious mental illnesses. They came together to discuss practical strategies for regaining and sustaining their own wellness.

The originators of WRAP came to the sessions with no hope that anything good would come from them. Thankfully, they were wrong. Being strong people who were not ready to give up, they turned to creating a solution, and WRAP was born. Millions of people have benefited from their great, groundbreaking work.

Mary Ellen Copeland, Ph.D, one of WRAP’s founders

Since that time, WRAP has become a staple in mental health and other communities, being used by individuals, families, hospitals, jails and prisons, residential programs, senior living, intellectual and developmental disability programs, psychiatric facilities, veterans’ programs, teen centers, peer support groups, addiction centers, community programs and more.

WRAP is used by people across the United States and has been introduced in 25 other countries, including Japan, Australia and the United Kingdom, and across Europe and parts of Africa.

To date, 15,000+ certified WRAP Facilitators have been trained to lead WRAP workshops. In addition to the flagship WRAP book and tools, more than 25 other WRAP-related books, videos, products and workbooks have been created, and more are being rolled out for the 25th anniversary.

Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) bought WRAP and Recovery Books from Mary Ellen Copeland, Ph.D., in 2016, as WRAP perfectly aligns with the AHP mission to help individuals reach their full potential.

AHP has since created and updated multiple WRAP books, redesigned the WRAP website, built a thriving Facebook community, expanded the WRAP newsletters and created two free products. A new trainer’s manual will be released soon.

WRAP has strengthened the ability of people from all walks of life to create a personalized path to recovery from any life challenge. AHP is proud to carry WRAP into the future, and we plan to continue expanding its global reach and virtual accessibility.

Noah Shifman, AHP Director of Innovation

The program has been featured in innumerable media outlets, conferences, webinars, clinical studies and articles. It was most recently highlighted in the new book from the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), “You are Not Alone: The NAMI Guide to Navigating Mental Health ― With Advice from Experts and Wisdom from Real People and Families.”

To learn more about WRAP, visit the website at https://www.wellnessrecoveryactionplan.com.

About Us

Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) creates powerful solutions to improve health and human services systems. By partnering with the federal government, states, municipalities, healthcare systems, and nonprofits, we help people experiencing the greatest disadvantages lead full and productive lives. We are national leaders in training and technical assistance, research and evaluation, publishing, and dedicated consulting. On issues from workforce development to mental health, substance use disorders to housing and homelessness, we help our clients enhance behavioral health care through systems change. AHP was founded nearly 40 years ago to develop solutions for some of the biggest social infrastructure challenges across the nation. Our company has offices in metro Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Find out more at www.ahpnet.com.

For press inquiries, please contact newsroom@ahpnet.com.