Advocates for Human Potential, Inc.

Supporting Systems of Care Change in Illinois

Case StudiesLast updated: Dec 30, 2024

As Illinois healthcare providers—whether focused on primary care or behavioral health—work to adapt to changes in state and federal health care mandates, the opportunity to serve greater numbers of clients expands.

To support these efforts around the state, Advocates for Human Potential, Inc.’s (AHP’s) Chicago office provides research and evaluation, training and technical assistance (TA), and business consulting services to providers, payers, and public and private funders.

For over 35 years, AHP has been helping organizations change health and human service systems of care for the better. We have a passion for the potential of people, programs, and organizations.
Our approach is simple. We assess the problem, plan the solution, implement change, and evaluate outcomes, all while maintaining high standards for ourselves and the people with whom we work.

Focusing on Illinois Priorities

To support the state of Illinois’ priorities for behavioral and public health, AHP offers assessment, planning,
implementation, and evaluation across these and other key issues:

  • Population health
  • The opioid crisis
  • Health equity and diversity
  • Mental health and substance use parity
  • Cannabis legislation and regulation
  • Vulnerable populations, such as justice-involved individuals, veterans, and more.

Current and Key Projects

Illinois Association of Behavioral Health (IABH)

AHP worked with IABH on several key initiatives, including the Illinois State Parity Law; system design recommendations for the Governor’s Health Care Reform Council; and IABH’s CMS Innovations Grant application. AHP provided ongoing consultation to the IABH Board and CEO; developed a comprehensive market research report outlining the market opportunities for members; and presented multiple sessions for IABH conferences.

NAMI Chicago

AHP outlined Illinois’ mental health service system gaps, resources needed, and system recommendations in a white paper, Making the Case for Funding and Supporting Comprehensive, Evidence-Based Mental Health Services in Illinois, and in another on youth in the juvenile
justice system.

Veterans Homelessness Administration (National Project)

AHP provided a broad range of TA on veterans’ homelessness programs and issues (including policy and research-related concerns, and requests from the services field) to existing and potential grantees; federal, state, and local agency partners; and others. This work included TA on service delivery in Illinois.

Treatment Alternatives for Safe Communities (TASC) of Illinois

AHP partnered with TASC on numerous projects, including the Bureau of Justice Assistance (BJA)-funded Residential Substance Abuse Treatment program. For the Illinois Criminal Justice Workgroup, AHP provided TA on Medicaid expansion to corrections and behavioral healthcare agencies, helped develop enrollment maps and resource materials, and facilitated collaboration among project partners.

Illinois Institute of Technology (IIT)

AHP worked with researchers at the IIT on a research study, funded by the National Institute on Minority Health and Health Disparities, to implement an intervention that connected African Americans with mental illness experiencing homelessness to medical care. Our current work focuses
on developing an intervention to foster healthy eating habits among African Americans with mental illness.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA)

AHP contributed to a qualitative evaluation of 13 state and pilot programs to divert justice-involved veterans, which included completing baseline and follow-up site visits in Illinois and several other states.

Heartland Health Outreach

AHP worked with this Chicago healthcare organization to identify agency research priorities and goals, develop quality care impact measures, and train staff on program evaluation methods.

Olmstead and Behavioral Health Implementation (SAMHSA National Project)

AHP provided TA on Olmstead implementation and other matters to federal block grant recipients. AHP delivered TA to Illinois’ state behavioral health planning council to help it transition, maintain, and strengthen capacity to address mental health and substance use issues.

Nonprofit Substance Use Disorder Provider

AHP supported an Illinois provider’s process to establish population health and integrated care partnerships by performing market research, conducting a retreat with its board of directors and executive leadership, and developing a strategic plan.

Nonprofit Provider of AIDS/HIV Services

AHP developed a strategic plan for this Chicago-based client, helping it envision new products and services growing out of healthcare reform. AHP supported efforts to attract contracts in managed care from payer organizations to allow expansion of care coordination and supportive services for clients with HIV/AIDS.

About Us

Advocates for Human Potential, Inc. (AHP) creates powerful solutions to improve health and human services systems. By partnering with the federal government, states, municipalities, healthcare systems, and nonprofits, we help people experiencing the greatest disadvantages lead full and productive lives. We are national leaders in training and technical assistance, research and evaluation, publishing, and dedicated consulting. On issues from workforce development to mental health, substance use disorders to housing and homelessness, we help our clients enhance behavioral health care through systems change. AHP was founded nearly 40 years ago to develop solutions for some of the biggest social infrastructure challenges across the nation. Our company has offices in metro Boston, Chicago, and Los Angeles. Find out more at

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